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Expository Text

Apa itu Expository Text?

Expository text adalah jenis teks non-fiksi yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan atau menginformasikan tentang suatu topik secara ringkas, padat, dan akurat berdasarkan fakta dan data yang dapat dibuktikan, bukan opini atau spekulasi.

Struktur Expository Text

  • Thesis: Ini adalah bagian pendahuluan yang menjelaskan topik utama teks.
  • Arguments: Bagian ini menyajikan beberapa argumen atau alasan yang mendukung thesis.
  • Conclusion: Sebagai bagian penutup, kesimpulan akan menyimpulkan ide-ide yang telah disajikan dalam teks.

Ciri-ciri Expository Text

  • Objektif: Teks ini memberikan informasi tanpa melibatkan opini atau perasaan pribadi penulis.
  • Faktual: Mengandung fakta dan data yang akurat dan dapat diverifikasi.
  • Clear dan Concise: Penyampaian informasi yang jelas, singkat, dan padat.

Contoh Expository Text

"The Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Climate Change"

Climate change is an urgent global concern that stems from the escalation of greenhouse gas emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) meticulously compiles scientific data, revealing a notable rise in global temperatures over the last century. This warming trend is intrinsically linked to the heightened presence of greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide and methane, in the Earth's atmosphere.

Human activities, predominantly the combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, are the primary contributors to the surge in greenhouse gas emissions. These activities release substantial amounts of carbon dioxide, intensifying the greenhouse effect and exacerbating climate change.

The repercussions of climate change extend beyond mere temperature increases, affecting ecosystems worldwide. Biodiversity faces disruption, weather patterns become erratic, and sea levels rise, all attributable to the alterations in the Earth's climate induced by greenhouse gas emissions.

In summary, the evidence presented unequivocally establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between the surge in greenhouse gas emissions and the escalating challenges posed by climate change. It is imperative that individuals, communities, and nations collectively adopt sustainable practices and implement policies to mitigate the long-term consequences and safeguard the future of our planet.
  • Thesis: Blue
  • Arguments: Yellow
  • Conclusion: Green

Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. What is the main topic of the expository text?

a. The History of Climate Change
b. The Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Climate Change (Correct Answer)
c. The Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change

2. According to the text, what evidence does the IPCC provide regarding climate change?

a. The rise in global temperatures over the past century. (Correct Answer)
b. The benefits of greenhouse gas emissions.
c. The impact of deforestation on ecosystems.

3. What are the primary contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, as mentioned in the text?

a. Natural disasters and volcanic eruptions.
b. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. (Correct Answer)
c. Changes in solar radiation.

4. How does the text describe the effects of climate change on ecosystems?

a. Improved biodiversity and stable weather patterns.
b. Disruption in biodiversity, altered weather patterns, and rising sea levels. (Correct Answer)
c. Positive impacts on global agriculture.

5. What is the concluding message of the text regarding the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and climate change?

a. The link between greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is uncertain.
b. Individuals and nations should ignore the issue as it is beyond control.
c. It is imperative to address the surge in greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable practices to mitigate the long-term consequences of climate change. (Correct Answer)