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Materi Bahasa Inggris: News Item Text

Definition of News Item Text

A News Item Text is a type of English text that narrates an important event or incident in a manner resembling news or deserving to be reported as news.

Social Function or Purpose of News Item Text

News Item Text serves the purpose of informing readers about significant current events. Therefore, it functions to provide information about an important incident or event and shape public opinion by presenting objective and accurate information.

Generic Structure of News Item Text

The generic structure of a News Item Text comprises the Main Event/Newsworthy Event, Background Event/Elaboration, and Source.

  • Main Event/Newsworthy Event: is the main news, the part that tells a summary of an event or important event that occurred.
  • Background Event/Elaboration: tells in detail the background of the incident or events that occurred, who was involved, where and how the event occurred.
  • Source: the last part of the text structure of a news item, which is the source of the news, which can be a statement from a source, a witness's comment, an expert's opinion, or a statement from a party related to an event.

Language Features of News Item Text

The linguistic characteristics of a News Item Text include:

  1. Concise information presented in the headline.
  2. Focus on a specific event.
  3. Predominant use of saying verbs, such as reported, stated, disclosed, and the like.
  4. Common utilization of action verbs, indicating activities.
  5. Frequent use of auxiliary verbs denoting time and place.
  6. Employment of material processes.